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Skincare Is A Lifestyle

At KYKLOS we believe that the care of our skin should be part of our lifestyle. We also firmly believe that in order for our skin to be healthy and radiant, we must treat our inner and outer worlds equally.



So we suggest the following 7 ways that are important not only for your skin but also for your health in general.




Cleansing is very important as it relieves the skin from makeup and impurities we have encountered during the day. Without cleansing the skin is more prone to skin conditions and premature aging.



Όλοι οι τύποι δέρματος, ακόμη και οι πιο λιπαροί, χρειάζονται ενυδάτωση. Αποτελεί ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά βήματα της skincare ρουτίνας μας, καθώς προστατεύει από την πρόωρη γήρανση και αντιμετωπίζει αποτελεσματικά τόσο την ξηρότητα όσο και την λιπαρότητα της επιδερμίδας. 



Water keeps the body hydrated and helps maintain elasticity in the skin. It is also known to have many benefits for our overall health.


Healthy diet

Proper eating habits contribute to a glowing and healthy skin. By eating more fruits, vegetables and nuts we help our skin from the inside out.


Quality sleep

The skin produces more collagen when we sleep. More collagen means that the skin is firmer and less likely to wrinkle. Also, proper and quality sleep contributes significantly to our mental health.



It is known that meditation helps significantly in reducing stress and anxiety. These two factors are proven to affect our skin causing skin problems. A healthy mind, body and soul lead to a radiant appearance.


Most importantly: Don’t Worry - Be Happy!

Positive emotions significantly affect our skin. When we experience joy it is also reflected in our skin, which looks healthier and more radiant. Positive emotions therefore help to improve the skin while negative emotions can contribute to its damage.


At KYKLOS we are passionate about taking care of your body and mind in order to take care of your skin. We believe that you should smile often, sleep peacefully, eat well and shine often. Follow the 7-step skin care system and you will receive compliments in no time.



KYKLOS, a brand for your skin and your soul.

